The Client, a global media and entertainment company offering content across television, film, streaming and gaming with annual revenues ~ $34 billion needed to:
- eliminate susceptibility of manual data errors
- improve transparency
- minimize interpretation errors when translating postproduction spots for purchase order pricing
Spots are revisions to a mostly completed television or film product that occur during postproduction to ready the title for final release and/or promotion. For example, titles may receive promotion via TikTok, radio, commercial or Superbowl stadium ads. The team also provides film corrections such as color edits, frame resizing and other finishing touches prior to theatre release.
Value Proposition
At the beginning of the project, the DLC team was asked to fill an interim maintenance role during a hiring freeze. With a strong background in media and entertainment, the DLC team was able to help the client automate their processes to save costs while maintaining steady headcount during stringent budget constraints. By asking, “Why isn’t this process implemented into the system?”, the DLC team was able to recognize a gap in the client’s database and recommended implementing Salesforce technology to optimize operational processes.
The DLC Approach
The client was experiencing a disconnect with pricing in that purchase orders and other data were being manually entered into Excel, causing discrepancies that took longer to solve because of incorrect information. Working with the development team and Vice President, DLC consultants acted as the main catalyst to establish a quick and effective transition to Salesforce, eliminate manual data entry, automate processes and streamline company-wide communication.
DLC Executed
- 1-2 months: limited time to learn the ins and outs of the role
- 3-5 months: completing the works processes and role
- 5-6 months: started to take notes of certain discrepancies stemming from the problem and thinking about how to change or eliminate the old process.
- 7-12 months: implement the change, release a sandbox to test it out and work out the kinks
The Results
By changing the role from a preparer to a reviewer, DLC consultants greatly decreased the amount of time it takes to track a purchase from point A to Z. After engaging DLC, the Client now has more real-time visibility, access to reliable information and a strong, effective system to support their growth.