4 Communication Skills Needed for Career Success

Many of the best performers in the workplace aren’t necessarily the individuals that spend the most time at their desk. In fact, a surprising number of wildly productive employees spends quality time away from their office chairs.
Their ability to communicate effectively helps these individuals apply themselves in ways that increase their productivity above those around them.
Communication is one of the most important and sought-after talents for business professionals.
If you are trying to increase your marketability, there are several key communication skills to focus on.
Communication Skills for Career Success:
1. Effective Listening
Communication is a two-way street. We need to be able to effectively send our own messages in addition to receiving messages from the people around us.
Effective listening is a multi-step process, highlighting your ability to hear, comprehend, and clarify the information that you are receiving. Effective listening skills can help you quickly identify what the big issues are and allow you to quickly circle in on a solution.
2. Identify Nonverbals
Individuals that can quickly and accurately identify and interpret nonverbal communication often find themselves a step ahead of their peers. Being able to accurately read the temperature of a room, enables you to answer questions or concerns before they have even been voiced.
If your audience is suddenly attentive and focused, you may have hit on some keywords that they are really interested in.
This can allow you to go into more depth on the important topics. Conversely, if your audience is checking out or looking at their watches, you know that this isn’t the time to delve deeply into an issue.
3. Showing Empathy
Communication doesn’t always deal with easy topics. If discussions are heated or tense, your ability to safely navigate through a conversation can not only save a client but can end up being a net benefit to your relationship.
Showing empathy can let others see that you truly understand their issues and that you respect the position that they are in.
4. Master Communication Forms
Today’s workplace is full of different generations of tech-savvy individuals. Younger coworkers or clients may be disinclined to work face to face, but may prefer text messages, while other people will be offended if you send an e-mail about an important topic.
Learning your audience and their preferred method of communication can be key.