Meet our DLC Finance and Accounting Consultant, Salvatore Barragato!

Salvatore Barragato Consultant Spotlight

What is your hometown? New Milford, NJ. I am currently living in Westlake Village, CA. 

What is your alma mater? Regis University, Denver, CO and Cal Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA. 

What are your favorite things to do outside of the office?  I enjoy hiking the trails throughout southern California and like to visit the National Parks throughout the US.  I love seeing plays, movies and music concerts, especially those at the Hollywood Bowl. And I love baseball and going to Dodger Stadium.  And lastly, I do a lot of volunteer work for homeless dogs at local shelters. 

What are your favorite things to do outside of the office? I enjoy hiking the trails throughout southern California and like to visit the National Parks throughout the US. I love seeing plays, movies and music concerts, especially those at the Hollywood Bowl. And I love baseball and going to Dodger Stadium. And lastly, I do a lot of volunteer work for homeless dogs at local shelters.

How has your background impacted your experience as a consultant? My extensive background has given me the tools and the temperament to transition seamlessly into all my projects. I make an immediate impact and contribution to all my clients.

What’s a typical workday like for you?  It depends on my client’s priorities — I schedule my day accordingly to meet any daily deadlines. I usually start by looking through my email to determine what needs to be addressed first and see if there is a new project the client needs completed as soon as possible. I make it a good practice to always stay in communication with my client’s team.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work every day? I take great pride in the quality of the work I deliver on all my projects. It’s always a validating feeling to do work you enjoy and to deliver results that are above and beyond expectations.

What kind of work have you been doing recently? I just recently wrapped a project for a vitamin and supplement distributor. Initially, I was brought in to help with their close process, but they asked me to stay on to manage a Fixed Asset project they needed completed before their annual audit started. Prior to that, I was doing SEC reporting for a multi-billion-dollar clothing company.

Where do you believe you deliver the most value to your client? My extensive background allows me to draw upon experience and recommend best practices for their situation. Additionally, I hit the ground running on all my projects and am able to contribute immediately. I use my communication skills to keep everyone on the team updated and am also very attentive to the key stakeholders.

How do you organize environments with a lack of reporting infrastructure or inefficiency? I always assess the inefficiency after the deliverable is completed. I make suggestions on how to improve turnaround time and identify where the inefficiencies exist.

What’s your process like? I always start with the desired result and acknowledge the stakeholders and their needs. I gather information from interviewing those who have the integral information needed to complete the task or project. I note where there could be delays in receiving the data and contact the necessary individuals. Lastly, I communicate with everyone regarding progress and expected time of completion.